



Guidelines for Authors

(1)     Manuscript Preparation
a)       Page Layout: A4 (21 cm x 29.7 cm) leaving 2.5 cm margin on all sides of the text. All the text should be in Times New Roman font, double spaced and pages should be numbered consecutively.

b)      Use MS word (2003-2007) for text and TIFF, JPEG or Paint for figures.

c)       The first page should contain title in bold, 14 point size, name/s of author/s in bold, 12 point size, affiliation/s-address, email id and contact number in 11 point size, abstract-up to 200 words in 11 point size, keywords-between 5 to 10 keywords in 11 point size.

d)      Main Text- The paper should be divided into the following sections: Introduction, Objectives, Hypothesis, Research Methodology, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgement and References.

Tables and Figures of good resolution (600 dpi) should be numbers consecutively and given in the order of their appearance in the text and should not be given on separate pages.

e)       References- References should be cited in the text as superscript numbers in order of appearance.

References at the end of the paper should be listed in serial order to match their order of appearance in the text. Names of journals should be in italics and volume number should be in bold.

Reference to papers e.g. Ganesh R.S., Pravin S. and Rao T.P., 2005, Talanta, 66, 513.

Reference to books e.g. Lee J.D., 1984, A New Course in Inorganic Chemistry, 3rd ed., ELBS and Van Nostrand Reinhold (UK) Co. Ltd., p.268-269.

f)       Abbreviations should be explained at first appearance in the text.

g)      Nomenclature should be as per IUPAC guidelines.

h)      SI units should be used throughout.

(2)     Manuscript Submission
Manuscripts should be submitted online at dnyanakosh@dnyanasadhanacollege.org. The paper will be accepted for publication after review. All correspondence should be made to the Editor-in-Chief at dnyanakosh@dnyanasadhanacollege.org

(3)     Proofs
Galley proofs will be sent online to the corresponding author on request and should be returned to the Editorial office within seven working days.

(4)     Plagiarism
SPDC Dnyanakosh is committed to avoid plagiarism and ensure that only original research work is published. The journal follows a Zero Tolerance Policy on Plagiarism.

The Editorial Board and panel of reviewers will check and prevent plagiarism in the manuscripts submitted for publication.

(5)     Copyright
Publication of a paper in SPDC Dnyanakosh automatically transfers copyright to the publisher. Authors can share free e-prints of their published papers with fellow researchers.